
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Global Talent Management and Improving Business Performance Essay

globose Talent Management and Improving Business Performance - Essay Exampleutually agree to the benefits and need of the GTM b arely still there are many issues that they face regarding the talent management at organizational take and at individual level which might be contradictory to one another.There may be two types of expatriate assignments that are given to employees who are a part of the multinational corporations. These assignments allow them to catch their talent on a global perspective as they receive assignments abroad and that helps them to develop crucial skills to operate globally, to handle the global operations, and to spread the knowledge about globally spread operations in order to help the country networks and improve productivity to understand the business model. These expatriate assignments can be of two types which impact the organizational goals of GTM and individual level goals (Farndale, Pai, Sparrow, Scullion, 2014, p. 205).The expatriate goals can be organization-assigned expatriates which are oft the ones which are assigned by the organization to send certain employees abroad who are deserving and talented. These employees clear to stay away from their families and shift abroad in order to fulfill the goals of their organization. This kind of expatriate assignments may not include the will of the employees always and some might find it extremely difficult to live away of their country and loved ones. Hence, the work gets affected and productivity would decrease. On the other hand, it would be a good option for the fulfillment of the organizational goals and GTM as it allows employees to understand and polish their skill in the international context (Farndale, Pai, Sparrow, Scullion, 2014, p. 206).Because of certain problems associated with this type of expatriation in the GTM, there have been two other strategies that are being used by multinational corporations. The first strategy is to reduce the number of organization-a ssisted expatriation assignments and force rather other alternatives such as

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